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Social Security Number Searches

Asurint offers a selection of Social Security Number-based solutions.

Verifynd (SSN Trace)

Asurint’s Verifynd product provides essential information needed for comprehensive background screening. A candidate’s social security number (SSN) is matched against third-party sources to identify their previous names and addresses. Asurint uses that detail to identify what jurisdictions to conduct a criminal search in.

SSN Trace Level 2 (SSN Address History)

Asurint’s SSN Trace Level 2 can also serve as the basis for identifying criminal search jurisdictions and additional names. The candidate’s SSN, full name and date of birth are matched against an FCRA compliant data source to identify addresses that have been validated as belonging to the candidate.

Consent Based Social Security Verification (CBSV)

CBSV verifies whether a name and SSN combination matches the data in the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) records. Each SSN and name combination submitted to CBSV will return with a “yes” or “no” verification code indicating that the submission either matches or does not match the SSA records. The CBSV product does not verify an individual’s identity or that the SSN belongs to the candidate.

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