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Hiring Process Innovation: How Better Background Reports Increase Speed and Mitigate Risk

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Background screening is a vital component of the hiring process, helping to ensure the safety of all employees and stakeholders and protect the integrity of an organization. But many hiring pros find them frustrating.
One of the biggest challenges—the background report.

Do Your Background Reports Need the Marie Kondo Treatment?

Have you noticed how many background reports can be straight-up confusing?  Poor design and repetitious information can make it difficult to spot the important records or even convey the wrong impression about a candidate.

For example, it’s not uncommon for the same court case to appear several times in a background report. Some screening providers simply include every record they uncover, from the case filing through final disposition, so the same issue is listed over and over again.

This is problematic for many reasons. Scanning down a long list can make it appear as if the candidate has had extensive run-ins with the law when, in fact, it all boils down to a single case, maybe even one that was dismissed. With a poorly designed background report, recruiters must be on high alert to discount any unfair characterization.

The extra clutter can also mean accidentally overlooking a “red flag” buried in the minutiae—and this can lead to an unwise hiring decision. It’s times like these that neatness in a background report really does matter.
That’s why Asurint devoted so much time and attention to our background reporting features. Our technology removes duplicate records, and we present information in a format clients find more intuitive. Just ask Regal Staffing, whose recruiters found Asurint’s reports easier to review and explain to clients than those from a previous provider! 

Do Your Background Reports Contribute to Hiring Process Compliance?

Listing information an employer isn’t legally permitted to consider in a hiring decision is another huge problem in the industry. Even if hiring managers recognize the issue and ignore the information as best they can, a poor background report can still put the employer at risk.

Imagine, for instance, that a candidate contests your decision not to hire them. They believe it was based on a criminal infraction dating back further than the state allows employers to look, and they sue. If that court case appears in your report, which will likely be subpoenaed, how do you prove a negative—that it didn’t shade your opinion?

Far better than taking a legal gamble is to work with a background search provider with built-in compliance. Asurint, for example, developed and continually updates an automated compliance engine that screens every background report prior to delivery, removing any records shielded under federal, state, or local law.

At Asurint, we believe in being proactive and forward-thinking. Rather than doing things like others in the industry, we look at where the market is going to deliver solutions that address employers’ biggest pain points.

If you’ve been looking for a background screening partner to help drive improvement in your hiring process, we’re right here—contact us at 800.906.2035.

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