
On-Demand Webinar: Top Trends: Background Screening in 2025 Access Here

Better Compliance Understanding in Less Than an Hour

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Members of the talent-recruitment sector, from staffing agencies to HR departments, have a lot on their plates right now. It would be great if legislative and regulatory changes, not to mention legal challenges, would slow to a halt—but sadly, that isn’t happening. Compliance-wise, 2020 started off on an active foot, and many employers are still trying to catch up.

Asurint is here to help. At the end of April, we held a webinar designed to simplify the compliance picture for employers, as quickly as possible. And we’re offering a complete recording for download here.
The online event was entitled Keeping Up With Compliance: Employment Law Updates You Should Know. Asurint General Counsel Kelly Uebel—who also serves as Secretary/Treasurer for the Professional Background Screening Association—led a conversation about:
  • Relevant legislation passed this year
  • Important drug testing litigation trends and their implications
  • New guidance from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)
She also delved into how COVID-19 is affecting background screening, including court closures. And of course, a robust question-and-answer period followed Kelly’s presentation.

If you missed this event live, don’t stress. Grab the recording now and listen whenever it’s convenient.
Rest assured, we here at Asurint understand that compliance is always a challenge, but all the more so today. We will continue to post educational alerts and resources, like this webinar, so you can discuss urgent considerations and long-term issues with your legal counsel.

Need more information or a compliance-friendly background search solution? Reach out to us anytime! Like you, we may be working from home, but we are working hard to help employers of all stripes respond to the rapidly shifting hiring environment.

TL;DR. Download the Keeping Up With Compliance webinar—and don’t hesitate to contact us if we can do anything to help you keep up on pre-employment screening issues.