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Raise Your Defenses: Cybersecurity 101 for HR Pros

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Human Resources departments alone cannot defeat hackers but HR pros can help harden defenses.

There was no slowdown in cybersecurity threats when the calendar turned over to 2022. Already one global organization reported 95 breaches from January, which together compromised 66 million records. Other hacks probably occurred but haven’t yet been discovered.

Some attacks inevitably involve newly discovered security holes and cutting-edge techniques. Sadly, however, large amounts of personal, confidential, and proprietary information are put at risk because organizations fail to address known vulnerabilities, including the human ones.

This is where Human Resources departments come in. As specialists in the people side of the business, HR can assist in defeating common social engineering tactics. What’s more, as owners of many policies and procedures, HR can bring the rest of the organization in line with cybersecurity industry practices.

At a time when HR is still reeling from the remote work revolution and myriad recruitment and retention challenges, adding another area of strategic responsibility may be a daunting prospect. Asurint wants to make it as easy as possible for you to be effective!

Our top, in-house enterprise security experts, DJ Bitter and Nick Bottiggi, are putting their expertise at your disposal. A new webinar, Enterprise Security: Industry Practices to Reduce Risk, is available to stream on demand. In it, DJ and Nick cover the sensitive information that may reside in your organization’s IT infrastructure, the threats to that information, and solid practices to protect it.

Asurint recognizes the importance of cybersecurity in our field and we invest heavily in defense. DJ and Nick are on the front lines and their webinar provides expert insights into such topics as:

  • Ways to prepare your employees to defend against cyber-attacks
  • Tips for cybersecurity education and awareness initiatives
  • Recommendations for strong cybersecurity policies and procedures
  • Industry practices for passwords, encryption, security tools and more
  • Updates on recent security alerts and emerging vulnerabilities
  • Third-party audit and validation options to test and confirm your defenses

Plus, when you view the on-demand presentation, you’ll receive our sample cybersecurity worksheet to help you follow up internally. Although this resource and the webinar itself are educational in nature and are not intended as legal advice, they are invaluable in helping you prepare to discuss cybersecurity with your IT team and legal counsel.

The job may soon fall on you to help improve your organization’s cybersecurity stance, if it hasn’t already. Find out what you can do to reduce risk. Stream Enterprise Security: Industry Practices now.

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