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Proposed New Jersey Bill Would Require Background Report Documentation in Spanish

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On Monday, March 18, New Jersey’s Assembly Financial Institutions and Insurance Committee held a hearing to discuss potential concerns about a new credit reporting bill that, if passed, would require consumer reporting agencies (CRAs) to make documentation related to the background report available to consumers in Spanish (and potentially other languages).

Background Report Documentation Bill

Specifically, the bill would require any information subject to disclosure under New Jersey’s current credit reporting law[1] to be made available to consumers upon request in Spanish and any other language that the Director of the Division of Consumer Affairs determines is the first language of a significant number of consumers in the State. The requirement would become effective 90 days after the bill is passed. This requirement has the potential to be incredibly burdensome for businesses as it will likely mandate investments in background screen software, reporting systems, and personnel in order to comply.

Employers hiring in New Jersey are encouraged reach out to their legislator to express opposition to this effort. Stay tuned for more information as we continue tracking this legislation.
State law credit reporting requirements are constantly changing. At Asurint, we strive to stay on top of legal and legislative developments as they happen. Compliance isn’t just a buzzword here. To read up on related compliance blog posts and materials, visit our Resource Center for up-to-date information. 
[1] Section 7 of P.L.1997, c.172 (C.56:11-34).