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Hire the Best Retail Salespeople with Smarter Background Checks: Part I

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Retail companies’ employment is in flux. Nearly one-third of HR professionals at 53 major retailers surveyed in 2018 reported an increase in turnover, for part-time hourly positions reaching an astounding average 81%. The current year is unlikely to allow companies to catch up. The National Retail Federation forecasts retail sales increasing by about 4% to more than $3.8 trillion in 2019.

Retailers’ HR departments are struggling to keep pace with recruitment, screening, and onboarding of replacement staff each quarter. At the same time, this people-oriented industry is always on the lookout for ways to improve the quality of candidates hired.

These are places where a higher quality background search solution can help. Asurint’s swift, sure candidate screenings offer retailers many advantages:

  • Our results are delivered 27% faster, and we are able to offer near-instant “clears” in many cases. Asurint’s retail clients enjoy a half-day average turnaround for any background check. This level of responsiveness means never losing out on a great candidate while waiting on a screening—or worse, forgoing the check and adding risk just to keep the staffing levels up.
  • We deliver 14% more records on our typical retailer screening. In other words, we find the details that can tip a hiring decision. Over time, we’ve experienced a 12% hit rate for retailer programs. And because retailers know we gather more information, our clients have confidence the remaining 88% of their candidates’ histories are truly clear.
  • Our ATS integrationcovering nearly every major solution on the market—streamlines and automates the process. The interface is simple and intuitive, and report formats make the results easy to evaluate. Retailers’ HR teams can’t keep up with manual systems, so these features are critical.
Hiring the best sales representatives is a differentiator in a market flooded with retail alternatives, including heightened online competition. Better quality hires can reduce turnover as well, so make sure your background check solution is up to the challenge.

If you’re still doing things the same old way, talk to Asurint and get a look at our cutting edge solution. It could just transform your employment screening process and your staffing results, too.

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