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Meet the Screen Team: Kelsey Riley

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Kelsey Vedder is a Business Performance Analyst on the Asurint Screen Team! Find out why she loves working at Asurint.

Video Transcript

Meet Kelsy. 

My name is Kelsey Vedder. I am the business performance analyst for our operations department.

So...what do you love about what you do here?

I really enjoy working for Asurint. I feel that my job allows me to analyze data and implement process improvements that are really going to benefit our clients. The data that I primarily analyze is with our verification department. So I'm looking at our turnaround time, our verified rate, and our specific processes to make sure that they're functioning properly. I feel like our leadership team really trusts me to make the business decisions that are best not only for Asurint, but are also for our key stakeholders. It allows me to really own the work that I do every day.

What can we find you doing outside of Asurint?

So outside of Asurint, you can typically find me at the Metro Park. I have a three-year-old black lab mix that is extremely active and loves to run. So we are there quite frequently.

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