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Can Remote Teams Win Vs. On-Site in a Head-to-Head Battle?

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No doubt about it, leading a team in any setting is challenging. A remote team with direct reports logging in from across the country only complicates matters.

Communication delays, time zone mishaps, productivity roller coasters…it’s the stuff of nightmares for managers and employees like.

Yet remote teams also offer significant advantages. You can tap a nationwide—sometimes worldwide—talent pool. Staff odd hours and around-the-clock needs with more ease. Even save on office space. 

This begs the question: Can a fully remote team outperform the competitor’s on-site one? 

According to Damon Linder, MBA, a trainer with ERC and an expert in leadership, the answer is YES! 

He shared his secrets for success in Asurint’s recent webinar, Leading Your Remote Team: Practical Skills for Effective Management

Stream the recording to find out how to equip your managers—and their teams—with the practical skills to diagnose and solve problems and overcome common challenges in the remote workplace. This webinar includes tips for:
  • Identifying the core attributes of an effective manager
  • Keeping direct reports productive and engaged
  • Recognizing remote work issues—and figuring out what to do about them
  • Developing essential communication protocols for the virtual environment
Even if your company is not fully remote—perhaps you have a combination of on-site, remote, and hybrid positions, for example—the takeaways from this webinar still apply. In other words, this webinar can make a key difference in leading through a rapidly evolving labor market.

And just like a remote job, this webinar is available from anywhere. Just click to stream now!

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