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Top Cybersecurity Practices HR Professionals Must Champion

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How HR can contribute to an organization’s effective cyber-defense.

Last year, a record 1,862 data breaches occurred, potentially revealing the personal information of millions of Americans. Unfortunately, common vulnerabilities, such as weak passwords, inadvertently downloaded malware, and phishing scams have one thing in common—human error can invite bad actors into our companies where they exploit IT assets and steal sensitive data.

Human Resources departments have a critical role to play in enhancing an organization’s cyber-protection. From employee onboarding to regular updates and retraining, structures HR puts in place can help harden the company’s defenses and safeguard sensitive information, including employee and customer data. The policies and procedures you shepherd matter, too.

That’s great to hear but most HR professionals aren’t steeped in cybersecurity. If you’re not a cybersecurity geek, how can you review, critique, and upgrade your organization’s stance?

Asurint Can Help: Webinar on Enterprise Security

Once again, we’re here to help. Asurint’s latest webinar Enterprise Security: Industry Practices to Reduce Risk features our most capable enterprise security experts, DJ Bitter and Nick Bottiggi. They discuss the various types of sensitive information an organization may possess, the variety of threats to that data, and suggest steps an organization can take to defend itself against hackers.

Based on Asurint’s thought leadership in the space, this presentation offers actionable recommendations for:
  • Arming your employees as the first line of cyber-defense
  • Improving cybersecurity education and awareness 
  • Making suspicious emails and other activities easy to report
  • Creating strong cybersecurity policies and procedures
  • Incorporating industry best practices for passwords, encryption, security tools, and more
Asurint experts also cover recent security alerts and emerging vulnerabilities and provide an overview of third-party validation options to increase confidence in your organization’s security measures.

This webinar is now available to stream on demand. It’s just like your favorite Netflix binge but with more takeaway value.

Additionally, when you sign up for the on-demand presentation, you’ll receive our sample cybersecurity worksheet to help you follow up internally.

Cybersecurity is an asymmetrical battle against bad actors who are always pressing new techniques to steal your organization’s data and compromise your IT resources. The only rational response is continuous improvement. Although this webinar is for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice, it can help you get started in the right direction.

Stream now. Because when it comes to cybersecurity, the threat is immediate. There is no time to wait. 

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