
On-Demand Webinar: Top Trends: Background Screening in 2025 Access Here

Finding Your Background Search Provider: The Difference in the Data

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Here on the blog, we’ve been helping to guide customers toward the best background search solution for their needs. And we’ve recently put the most important points together in a convenient format—our NEW eBook, The Top 5 Questions to Consider When Choosing a Background Screening Provider.

One of the key issues we raise is in that document is data. Ironically, information is the foundation of a background search system, but it’s common for customers to overlook the importance of vendors’ data-related practices and capabilities. Many clients simply assume the data is the same from vendor to vendor, so they focus on software, customer service capabilities, or other points of differentiation. That’s a mistake.

Great Data is a Full-Time Commitment

As important as background check software and support may be—and we’re big on customer service—accessing the most accurate, up-to-date information is absolutely essential. With over 3,000 counties across the U.S., many with multiple court systems, it’s not easy to manage primary data resources in an effective manner, and not every background search provider bothers to do so.

Compiling great data requires everything from custom integration of public access websites to the right relationships with the people on the ground—research partners and court decision-makers alike. And the job is never done. The data must be validated, investigators’ work must be reviewed, the information must be regularly updated, and the entire process must be subject to continuous improvement.

The end result is worth it, however. Quality data makes features like “instant clears” possible and ensures the details in each background report are spot-on. Without quality data, a background search system is just glitzy software and maybe some nice people at the help desk—it’s not a real solution.

Learn More with Us!

Unfortunately, data is often the area HR departments are least comfortable probing during the procurement process. Moreover, some vendors are less than transparent about where their data comes from, making their responses to reasonable inquiries even more difficult to parse.

At Asurint, we’re proud of our data and what we go through to make it the best resource in the business. Our new eBook goes into further detail, so grab that as a primer.

For those who would like a more personal introduction to the topic, we’re also going to talk about data during our upcoming webinar, The Top 5 Questions to Consider When Choosing a Background Screening Provider, on August 28 at 12 p.m. EST. Our goal is to walk participants through the top questions to ask background screening providers and what to look for in vendors’ answers (or evasions).

We may not be a Reddit forum, but you can still Ask Us Anything during the webinar! We’re leaving plenty of time for Q&A so we can get to everything attendees want to know about data and the four other key questions to ask prospective background search providers.

So don’t miss out! Sign up here.