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Stress Management in These Turbulent Times

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Have you recently found yourself hollering to a concerned friend, roommate, spouse, or colleague something like this? “I’m NOT STRESSED! Really, I’m NOT!” Only to realize that the panicked tone and death-stare eyes are not terribly convincing? 

Or is it just me?

These are some turbulent times we’re living through and many of us face conflicting demands, which make the much-vaunted work-life balance seem an impossibility. Sometimes, it can all be too much.

Although we’re trying to use some humor here to downplay stress (and laughter is good medicine!), we recognize the devastating impacts constant stress can have on health, career, and even workplace productivity. It harms us and it harms our organizations.

That’s why many HR leaders are being asked to address the problem of employees’ stress and help to build a healthier, more resilient workforce. And, well, taking on that mantle is stressful in itself!

Tools for HR Leaders: We Got You!

So what can you do? Might we suggest taking an hour out for an enlightening, actionable, and enjoyable presentation about stress management? It’s a low-demand way to get the skinny on stress and ways to help you, your team, and employees throughout your organization deal with it more effectively.

In our free recorded webinar, available on demand, licensed counselor, TEDxSeattle speaker, and coach Susan Fee discusses solutions for mitigating the harm of chronic stress in the workplace.

This webinar covers:

  • Stress management in the work place: Why it matters? 
  • The stress cycle and, importantly, tactics to interrupt it
  • Key differences between stress, anxiety, and depression
  • Techniques for challenging pessimistic narratives with realistic optimism
  • Details about the limbic system and how to calm it down

The takeaways can be applied to your own life and shared with your team. And the information can form an invaluable foundation for workplace stress management training, initiatives, and more.
We know how difficult it can be to take time out for learning, but this webinar is worth it. Add it to your playlist and maybe next time you do a mental check-in, or someone who cares about you asks how you’re doing, you can say “No, I’m not stressed right now”—and really mean it.

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