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Compliance is Like the Space Race. Here’s How You Keep Up!

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Does this sound familiar? Every time you feel like you have your hiring and labor-related processes and policies nailed down, another legislative, regulatory, or legal shift emerges.

It’s like the 1960s space race. We know what they say about rocket scientists—they’re pretty sharp—but many days, HR pros need to be even sharper! That’s just what it takes to keep pace with the constant compliance flux.

Sharpen Up, Keep Up with Compliance On Next Webinar

The Asurint team recognizes the seriousness of this challenge and we’re determined to help out. So back by popular demand is the next installment in our most heralded webinar series: Keeping Up with Compliance

Recorded on April 27, 2023 and now available on demand, we hosted a Q2 compliance update with Kelly Uebel, Asurint’s own General Counsel, compliance thought leader, and Past Chair of the Professional Background Screening Association. 

Kelly has taken it upon herself to monitor compliance developments and share her wealth of knowledge with the rest of us. And thank goodness! 

She’s got her finger on the pulse of new legislation, regulatory happenings, and court cases at the federal, state, and local levels. Most importantly, she reveals how specific changes affect employers and what organizations can do in response.

Key Questions, Answered

Have you been wondering:

  • What legislation passed so far this year and what does it mean for you?
  • What’s going on with marijuana, drug testing, and the Drug Free Workplace?
  • What legal threats have emerged that I should be aware of?

As usual, we do have to remind everyone that although Kelly is a lawyer, she’s not your lawyer. This webinar is intended for educational purposes and does not constitute legal counsel or advice. You’ll want to follow up with your organization’s attorneys to determine how best way to address any issues she mentions that you find concerning.

Act Now: Watch Keeping Up with Compliance

But you can’t act without the information, so make sure to get your 2023 Q2 update of Keeping Up with Compliance. Watch here