
On-Demand Webinar: Top Trends: Background Screening in 2025 Access Here

Your Essential Workplace Drug Testing Resource

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Last week, Asurint hosted an important webinar, Getting the Most Out of Drug Testing. It’s a topic on which we’re receiving an increasing number of questions from our clients, so we wanted to offer human resources professionals, recruiters, staffers, and others a comprehensive update on relevant issues and trends.

To do that, we tapped Bill Current, a 30-year veteran of the drug testing industry to lead this educational event. He’s served as Director for the Institute for a Drug-Free Workplace and the American Council for Drug Education. He also compiled the most comprehensive database of drug testing laws, helps implement the annual Drug Testing Industry Survey, and works with numerous clients each year to optimize their drug testing programs.

Bill is an encyclopedia of drug testing knowledge, and he brought important information to bear on employers’ most pressing substance abuse screening concerns.

The feedback we’ve gotten on this webinar has been phenomenal. Participants are saying Bill helped them with things like:
  • Weighing the costs and benefits of a drug testing program and the best ways to monitor ROI
  • Understanding the various drug testing options, from instant tests to various lab-based panels, and when to use them
  • Figuring out the confusing state-level legal changes happening across the country and identifying the best resources to help ensure compliance
  • Understanding where drug testing policy is going and how to stay aligned with changing attitudes and issues, from marijuana legalization to the opioid crisis
If you were not able to join us last week, don’t worry. You can still access a complete recording of the Getting the Most Out of Drug Testing webinar, which is available for download here.

This is a not-to-be missed chance to get an insider’s look into how other employers are handling drug testing in the workplace. Whether you conduct pre-employment or random drug screenings or test for substance abuse only after accidents or based on reasonable suspicion—or if you’re considering drug testing in any of these situations!—the webinar will serve as an invaluable guide.

Again, it’s here for download https://go.asurint.com/getting-the-most-out-of-drug-testing-webinar-rec. Grab it now and share it with your team!

